Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our Farm Continues to Grow

Well, on Saturday we added 4 more babies to our list of animals. A wild mama cat had kittens a while ago anlld they were in our window well for a bit. She moved them and we didn't see them for a few days-even with the kids searching. On Saturday we were working on the chicken coop, and Maddie said-"I hear seagulls!" I listened for a second and tried to find seagulls flying around. It was then that I realized the cries were not seagulls, but a baby kitten. We found them in an old tire in the field right behind our yard. One of them was meowing pretty good, but the other three were so weak they couldn't move or meow. We brought them in and gave them some kitten formula. They are doing great now. The kids love them so much. We have all had fun feeding them from a little bottle and playing with them. They have even given Lindsey some pretty good anxiety dreams. Last night she woke me up around 2:00 am. "Mom, come here a minute, I need your help." What's wrong, I say. "There was a kitty crying, so I put it in my blanket and it crawled into the hole and now it's inside my blanket. We are going to have to cut it out. It used to be meowing, but I can't hear it anymore." So I went and got my scissors and followed her down the stairs. She had 3 blankets from her bed, with one spread out on the floor. She was patting all over, looking for the kitten, all this time, she has been in tears. I asked her where it was-she told me, "it's right here, where this lump is- Well I saw the lump, and it didn't look too alive, I was worried. When I touched it-it didn't feel like a body, so I lifted the blanket. To our relief, it was a pair of Brendon's underwear. I started to wonder if Lindsey was even awake at this point. We looked for the kitten some more, but couldn't find it. I asked her-are you sure you weren't dreaming? Go look in the kennel and see if they are all there. She looked, but said she couldn't tell because they were all too cute piled together SOUND ASLEEP. I checked and they were all there. Safe and Sound. Lindsey was dreaming and sleepwalking. It was really funny. (To me) It is fun to have her experience a little bit of how stressful and tiring it is to be a parent and be responsible for something so helpless.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So-Brynn and Robyn, are you happy now? I hope so.

Anni's 4th B-day

It was Annika's birthday while we were in Yellowstone. It was a fun birthday. We bought cake and ice-cream from the West Yellowstone Market and celebrated. She wanted strawberry cake and strawberry ice cream. The store only had German chocolate cake-which was super delicious, but Ryan did get strawberries and cream ice cream. It was mostly white, so Anni thought it wasn't strawberry enough. We had strawberry cake and double strawberry ice cream when we got home. Grandma and Grandpa Herzog came out to have dinner and give Annika her presents when we got home. She loves to dress up in her new outfits!

June-The Month of Family Reunions

We have had fun attending the family reunions this month. We went up to Wolf Creek in Eden with Grandma Sylvia and Grandpa Hunter. It was so much fun. I don't have any pictures of this one. Nobody wanted to come home. The kids went swimming (even though it was only 50 degrees) Thank goodness for the hot tub next to the pool! They had so much fun. We also went to the clubhouse and played racquetball all together. It was pretty crazy in that court with 6 people and 3 balls and 4 racquets. I hit Brendon right in the middle of the forehead with the ball. It is always fun to get together with family. We also went up to the Heber Valley Camp with Grandma Herzog. (Grandpa couldn't be there this time) We had lots of fun playing in the campground and jumping bed to bed in the cabins. (Much to my chagrin) We also got the go on the challenge course and ride the giant swing. It was fun and scary. After the challenge course we went down to the lake and rowed around in canoes and paddle boats. It was tiring, but lots of fun. While we were doing all this fun stuff, Anni and Nathan stayed at camp with Grandma. As you can see, Anni wasn't much trouble. Actually, they couldn't find her and started to panic-until they found her sleeping on the chair. Brendon got to do the flag ceremony for the camp with his 2nd cousin Benson. He was really proud to be the one to carry and help put up the American flag until they decided that the Heber Valley Camp flag was shinier. Then he couldn't decide which one was cooler. It was a fun weekend.

We love Orange Julius!

The kids beg all the time for us to make them Orange Julius! Once in a while we give in and make a batch.

Memorial Day Fishing with Dad

The morning started out really rainy, so we went to the memorial day breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Herzog. It was fun to visit with them. It stopped raining, so Lindsey, Maddie, and Brendon went fishing with dad. They had so much fun catching fish.

We went to Yellowstone as a family the last week of May. We had really lots and lots of fun. We enjoyed the wonderful scenery, geysers, and of course animals! It was so nice to spend time together and just relax. (except the kids fighting in the car-that was sort of un-relaxing)We stayed in a little cabin, where Nathan loved to climb the stairs and onto the coffee table. The girls all got a coon skin cap, and one of them let Nathan borrow theirs. He didn't like it. I took lots of movies with our new video camera, and most of the still pictures I took are on the video camera too. Wouldn't you know it-I can't figure out how to get them on here.

Well, here it goes. I have about a month to catch up on. Brendon graduated from the Big K last month. And no, I don't mean K-mart. He is finished with Kindergarten! He had lots of fun and I think he learned a few things too.